Vitto Group achieves National Brand 2022

      Vitto Group is recognized as a National Brand 2022 in the field of construction materials.

     On 2/11, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Industry and Trade held a ceremony to announce and award the National Brand 2022. Accompanying 172 enterprises, Vitto Group Joint Stock Company (Vitto Group) was honored at the award in the field of construction materials.

Vitto’s Distributors took a souvenir photo at the 2022 National Brand event.

      Vitto's representative said that the award has an important meaning, recognizing the efforts of the company's employees, being the motivation to bring better products to consumers in the future, step by step compete with foreign brands.

      Previously, in 2021, Vietnam Report Joint Stock Company (VNR) voted Vitto as the top 5 prestigious construction material companies (tiles and slabs products group) and the top 10 prestigious companies in the construction - construction material industry.

Vitto delegate received the logo of National Brand 2022

     Vitto Group Joint Stock Company was established in 2013, providing quality wall tiles and floor tiles, with a nationwide distribution network. Currently, the enterprise has two production facilities, including Vitto VP factory (Vinh Phuc) and Vitto Phu Loc factory (Thua Thien Hue), supplying to the market nearly 40 million m2 of tiles per year. In addition to meeting domestic consumption, the company also aims to export to external markets such as Korea, Thailand ...

      Vitto's representative said that the enterprise is oriented to sustainable development, prioritizing human resource development, and applying new solutions to improve performance. The company values innovation, creating new product lines for the market, meeting the requirements of domestic customers and export standards.

Vitto tiles in the interior space

     "We are constantly researching and improving production processes, increasing the use of renewable, environmentally friendly materials. At the same time, Vitto Group is committed to maintaining and developing mutually beneficial relationships with partners", Vitto’s representative emphasized.

      The national brand is chaired by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, aiming to promote trade and promote the national image through product brands. 2022 is the 8th year of this program, with the theme "Enabling the future", selecting 172 businesses and 325 typical products.



